Saturday 14 March 2015

La Belle Etoile

This blog is written for the all "foodies" out there. One of our extracurricular activities last week was a visit to a restaurant in Villefranche called La Belle Etoile. It was a private function arranged by the school. Interested students paid a fixed price to enjoy a gourmet meal accompanied by wines from Provence served by a sommelier. About 25 of us walked down to the old city to experience French cuisine and wine at its finest.

This picture was taken outside the restaurant. My fellow classmate and new friend, Dania from Idaho and Lars, a jovial fellow from Norway.
One table of students inside the restaurant.
La Mise en Bouche was a pumpkin mousse alongside a small bowl of feta, mango and red peppers. Both were delicious. This was accompanied by a crisp, dry, fruity rosé called Cuvée Pierres de Moulin from the Domaine de la Fouquette. The sommelier, Damien, explained that the rosés from France are typically much drier than those in America and I certainly enjoyed this one. His explanations of the wines were all done in French, but he spoke clearly and slowly so that we could all understand what was being said.
Following that, we were served an exceptional tartare de thon (tuna) with an avocado and onion topping. It was accompanied by a very nice white, but unfortunately I can't remember the name or the Domaine. 
The courses kept coming. This was a pastry filled with spinach and topped with an olive tapenade.
The main course was a piece of filet mignon beautifully presented atop a bed of potatoes. Unfortunately, I did not take a photo. However, I have to say that it was the best beef I have ever had in France. Normally I avoid the beef here because I often find it tough and too rare for me even if I order it à point or bien cuit. This time I was very pleasantly surprised. It was cooked to perfection (à point, as I had ordered) flavorful and tender. The red wine served with the beef was superb. It was Pompilia 2012 from the Domaine des Pomples.
Instead of the traditional cheese platter following "le plat", the chef created a small filo pastry filled with chèvre seasoned with paprika.
Last, but certainly not least, we had a delicious chocolate fondant with a vanilla sauce.
Douglas, looking dapper and very French in his beret and scarf. His expression says it all - the dinner, wine and service were outstanding!

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