Saturday 21 March 2015

L'Espace Trinquette

On March 17, St. Patrick's Day, we were invited to an evening out with a buffet dinner accompanied by a swing/jazz musical trio. This time we went to the restaurant called "La Trinquette". We walked down to Port Darse on the other side of the Citadel and found ourselves in a warm and intimate space. The patrons offered us an appertif in the sitting room prior to moving into the restaurant. We sat at long tables and took turns helping ourselves to a lovely buffet of couscous, ratatouille, beef kabobs, salad and samosas. There were bottles of rosé and red wine on the tables for all to enjoy. For dessert, we had a choice of an apple or plum tart with ice cream and crème Chantilly. At the same time, the trio entertained us with some great music including old favourites like "On the Sunny Side of the Street" and "When You're Smiling". After a couple of hours and a few drinks of courage, Julien took to the stage with his bass guitar and sang a few songs, some of which required audience participation. He even sang a rendition of "Folsom Prison Blues" by Johnny Cash. We nicknamed him Julien Cash. Needless to say, the evening was a lot of fun. The food was great, the company was superb and the music was delightful. Hopefully the following pictures reflect those sentiments.
Dania in the forefront with the trio behind.
The gent on the left is Julien's brother.

"Julien Cash". I think he is a singer/musician wannabe. 

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