Monday 30 September 2013

Une fête anniversaire à Aniane

This weekend, I was invited to go to a family birthday party for Martin, one of Patricia's grandsons. He was turning 5. The day prior, Patricia and I spent the afternoon in the Centre Ville looking for gifts for Martin. He wanted perfume which I thought most peculiar for such a young boy. However, his older brother Victor has cologne and so does his dad and he wants to be just like them. We managed to find a bottle of toilet water with a pleasant smell that didn't cost a small fortune. I found some stickers of geometrical shapes (which apparently he also likes) and we both purchased cards. With that mission accomplished, we headed home. Patricia had to make a birthday cake and I had to stop to buy a bottle of wine as a hostess gift.That evening, Martin was sleeping over because his parents had a function to go to. I thought this would be my chance to speak a little French. No such luck! He didn't understand most of what I said to him and I certainly couldn't understand what he and Patricia were saying. Needless to say, I felt a little deflated.

The next day, we headed to Aniane which is a small village about 35 km northwest of Montpellier. We drove through some beautiful countryside and quaint villages en route, but unfortunately, due to the pressing nature of the birthday party (Martin was in the car and quite excited) there was no time to stop to take photos. Patricia promised me that we will return to explore that part of France in the future. Stay posted. 

Once in Aniane, we walked to Martins's home where his mother Olivia (Patricia's daughter), his father Fabian and brother Victor reside. It is one of those homes that is tall and narrow. Fabian has been very busy renovating the top floor so that there will be bedrooms for all of them. It is still a work in progress but from what I saw, it will be quite lovely. The main floor is an open plan with kitchen, dining area and living room. Upon arrival, I felt pretty awkward. I didn't know where to sit or what to do and I certainly wasn't able to hold a conversation with anyone. Thank goodness, I was able to make the salad. At least I felt a bit useful. The aroma from the roast chicken with garlic, potatoes and onions was heavenly. According  to Olivia, the boucherie (butcher shop) in Aniane is well known in the region and people come from all over to buy their meat and poultry.  If the chicken is any example, I would concur. It was wonderful. After the meal, in typical French fashion, we had some cheese with the wine and an espresso following that.

L to R Victor, Fabian, Olivia and Martin. By the way, Fabian is a painter and he showed me his paintings on his computer. His work is done on canvas with oil and is very contemporary.  He has a studio in Aniane and presently has an exposition of his art in Séte. Olivia is also an artist and makes jewellry, specifically beautiful rings with gold, silver and some stones.

Guess who?

The next thing I knew, Olivia was packing a picnic basket with plates, drinks and the cakes. Patricia had gathered the presents and the cards and we headed to the park "Le Petit Jardin". Kids from the local school plant vegetables and flowers in this park and there are benches scattered throughout. Several friends joined the party including other kids and adults. Eventually, the candles were put on the cake and everyone sang a French version of Happy Birthday ( everyone but me because I didn't know the words).  Martin blew out his candles and everyone had cake - chocolate and pear and an apple cake - both were exceptional. At long last, Martin opened his presents and was delighted with all his gifts.

After the gift opening, the kids went off to play and the adults sat around the table and talked. Once again, I was at a disadvantage because most of them speak quickly. I think some of the discussion was about movies because every once in awhile, I would hear names like Brad Pitt or Henry Fonda. I  did feel pretty isolated and a bit hopeless.  Patricia and I talked when we got home and I told her how I felt. She reassured me that within 2-3 months, I will be able to comprehend more and speak more fluently. I certainly hope so! Despite it all, the weather was superb and it really was a very good party!

Pierre, Patricia's son joined us at the park. He is an accomplished Flamenco guitarist. Not only does he teach guitar, he also plays with a group. We are going to see him on Oct 15 at a local restaurant that is very good. He had just purchased a new guitar and was trying it out. He is extremely talented.

The two birthday cakes - Martin wanted decorations (candies) on grandma's cake.

Martin and friends singing Joyeux Anniversaire à Martin.

Blowing out the candles! Cinq bougies n'est-ce pas?

Opening L'eau de toilette. Olivia liked it too!

A wonderful picture of Martin and Victor.

Before I close, here are a couple of things I have noticed:
- When you meet someone for the first time here, sometimes you shake hands and sometimes you kiss on the cheek 3 times. I'm never quite sure.
- Kids are kids regardless of where they live. They fight, they play, they hug, they get dirty and they love sticks!
- The park benches in Aniane are much more practical than ours. The table itself is a little wider and there are benches on all sides. 

I'll post again soon.

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