Friday 13 September 2013

Last days in England

Although the weather has been a bit cool here, at least in comparison to the hot temperatures in Edmonton,  the reception has been warm and welcoming. I have had a wonderful and relaxing time which I think was exactly what I needed before heading to French School.

Last night, our group of 14 met at the Red Lion in Swanmore. My voice was hoarse by the time we left, but I did get a chance to have a good visit with everyone. My biggest regret was forgetting my iPad which had all the pictures from home that I planned on sharing with the relatives. Cousins John and Maxine are dropping by this afternoon, so I will be able to show them my photos then.  I did manage to take quite a few pictures of the gathering, so I will send them to my parents who are the ones who will be most interested. 

For the rest of you, I am sending pictures of the views atop Butser Hill. Linda and I went out for lunch to Blendworth in a rather unusual location. So many of the stately manors in this country are now owned by the National Trust or have been occupied by a variety of businesses in order to survive. The tea room we visited was at the back of a lovely fabric and gift shop. It reminded me a bit of Chintz in Edmonton, but with a beautiful garden and view. Linda is very persuasive and convinced me to try a Pimm's which I have never had. According to Linda, it is a rum based alcohol mixed with lemonade and fruit. It was very pretty and refreshing looking, but lemonade in England is akin to 7Up. I'm not fond of soft drinks and I think I would have liked it better if it had been lemonade, but of course I drank it anyway. After lunch, we drove up Butser Hill, parked the car and had a walkabout at the top. It was a panoramic view of Hampshire and you could see in all directions. In the distance, you could even make out the sea. I think this part of the country is breathtaking and I'm sure you will agree.

Outside of the visit with my cousins, my biggest task today will be packing up my weighty suitcase and backpack. We will have to leave very early in the morning in order to catch the Eurostar for Paris. I'll be on the train most of tomorrow, so if the mood strikes, I shall create a new post. Until then, know that I miss all my family and friends and look forward to hearing from you when you have a minute. Next stop, France!


Views of Hampshire atop Butser Hill

The Rising Sun (another charming pub)

1 comment:

  1. Mmm that Pimm's looks divine! The countryside is beautiful, too ;)
