Friday 6 September 2013

Leaving on a jet plane...

After months of preparation and an emotional good-bye to my husband, I headed into the Edmonton airport. My checked suitcase weighed 68 lbs and my backpack seems to weigh almost the same. Keith suggested I would likely bring a lot of things back with me at Christmas that I won't use and he's probably right. It's a good thing I've been working out because I am going to have to negotiate this mighty weight in airports and train stations for the next week.

My gift to myself for retirement was to fly first class for a number of reasons. Those long flights across the pond are a bit riskier for developing clots in a person with a hip replacement, like me. By lying flat, I should avoid that problem and may even be able to catch a few winks.  The other perks include using the airport lounges with comfortable chairs, free food and drinks. We also have priority boarding and deplaning. Last, but certainly not least, airplane bathrooms are fairly disgusting at the best of times, but after a long flight with hundreds of people, they are almost intolerable. Flying business class, far fewer people use the facility. As I read this, I realize that I sound like a snob. Please know that this is the first time I have done something like this, but I certainly hope it is not the last.

My emotions are all over the map. Not only am I excited to head out on this adventure - six months of studying French in Montpellier France - I am also nervous. Will I be able to acquire the language? Will I like my host family and more importantly, will they like me? What is it going to be like living without my husband, family and friends? Will I be lonely?  I'll keep you posted.

In the meantime, I am flying to England to spend a week with my wonderful Cousin Mick and his family.   No doubt, he will be the ultimate host. It will also give me a chance to visit a number of my relatives.  By the end of the week I should be over jet lag before travelling to France. 

Well, I am leaving the lounge now and moving toward the departure gate. Talk to you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Your first blog post from the road! So exciting. What a great way to kick off your retirement. Love you lots and am looking forward to many more blog posts!
