Saturday 21 September 2013

Au marché Les Arceaux

What a pleasant way to spend a Saturday morning! Patricia told me about this market and I thought I would check it out. It was as interesting as she had suggested. There were many different vendors selling a wide variety of produce, meat, wine, honey, clothes etc. I often go to the farmer's market when I am home in Edmonton, but the markets here offer a few different choices. For example, most of the fish available at home is frozen. Here the fish is fresh and there are different kinds. I didn't see any cuttlefish, but I did see squid. There was also a wide assortment of meat including duck maigre and terrines of pâtés. There was a stall that had a box of pruneaux d'Agen. These are the same prunes that we so enjoyed in that part of France when we were there about 5 years ago. Prunes and walnuts were specialities in that region and often served as appetizers. I bought a few and brought them home. It turns out that Patricia likes them too. I know you will be surprised, but I also bought some wine and have tucked it into the cupboard in my bedroom. You never know when you might need it. As I got to the end of the market, I heard some music and saw a group of people milling around. There was a rather large band playing all kinds of instruments. The music was most enjoyable, so I listened for awhile and took some photos. For your viewing pleasure...

The Market at les Arceaux

Le vendeur du pain (beautiful artisian bread)

Le vendeur de fromage ( I bought a little blue cheese for lunch - delicious!)

Les fruits

Les confitures, les miels etc. ( jams, honey , olive oil etc.)

Les pruneaux d'Agen

Les olives 

Les Anchois (anchovies) and les tampenades

de la viande (meat, poultry, duck, sausages)

Les musiciens (The musicians)

Aussi les musiciens (Another photo of the rest of the band)

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