Saturday 29 November 2014

Our week-end visitors

When I was studying French in Montpellier, I had the great fortune of meeting some amazing people from around the world. A couple of women in particular became very good friends and both happened to be Finnish. Marianne attended the same school and studied there for six months like me. Maija was living in Montpellier with her husband and joined us at school for a six week stint. Although both are younger than me and certainly more skilled in the French language, our sensibilities were similar and we got along well. That led to social outings, lunches after school and a few evenings out. I have written about them previously in my earlier blogs. Since March, we have kept in touch by email. Marianne is presently working in Finland and Maija has gone back to university to take her C1 diploma in French. When I was thinking about returning to France to study here in Nice, I wrote to them both to see if we might get together for a bit of a reunion. Much to my surprise and delight, they both said yes. 

On Friday afternoon, after school, Marianne was at our door. It was lovely to see her. She joined us for our traditional lunch of a charcuterie platter with cheese, cold cuts, sliced cucumber and tomatoes and a fresh baguette. Of course, we opened a bottle of wine. After lunch, she and I took a long walk along the sea, into the old city and back along the Rue de France. 

My friend Marianne.
We stopped in an authentic olive oil shop and bought some of the excellent olive oil sold here. We also took a break for a cup of coffee at one of the bistros.

Our coffee break on Rue de France
The sky was so blue and the crescent moon stood out, so I snapped this photo.
That evening, she returned for dinner (she is staying at a charming hotel just around the corner). Brian joined us as well. Keith had made a delicious pot of boeuf bourguignon, so with that, a salad, fresh baguette and good wine, we settled into a lovely evening of conversation and laughter. 

At noon on Saturday, Maija and her husband, Jean-Phillipe arrived from Montpellier, via Marseilles. JP's parents live in Marseilles, so they spent Friday night with them and then drove here this morning. Marianne had purchased a bottle of champagne as a welcome, so the six of us toasted our get together.  I had booked a reservation for 1 p.m. at a local restaurant called Chez Loulou. After the champagne, we headed there for a Niçoise lunch. 

Lunch at Chez Loulou. Guy, the proprietor, is standing behind the bar. (L to R  Jan, Keith, Marianne, Jean-Philippe, Maija and Brian)
I always have to include a couple of food pictures to satisfy my "foodie' friends. Here is one of Keith's apple tart. 
This is the bowl of strawberries with Chantilly that JP ordered.
Following our substantial meal, we walked for several hours. It was Maija's first visit to Nice so she was keen on seeing some of the local sights. The picture below is of our crew. I understand that it is -27 degrees in Edmonton today, but it was balmy enough here to walk in shirts and sweaters. 
Maija, Me and Marianne
Unfortunately, time passes quickly and Maija and JP had to leave for Marseilles. They are wonderful people - smart, witty, gentle and generous. I am very blessed to have such good people in my life. Marianne leaves tomorrow and it will be sad to once again say good-bye. However, they know our door is always open and hopefully we will see them in Canada one of these days.

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