Tuesday 25 November 2014

Le weekend avec mon amie Patricia

I can't tell you how excited I was to see my dear friend and previous host, Patricia. She made the effort and took the time to come to Nice from Montpellier to see us. It was interesting to hear about her mode of transport. She used an Internet site called "Blablacar". This is a site which connects drivers who have empty seats with people looking for a ride - in French, it is known as covoiturage. Often, the times for travel are more convenient and the cost is less. In Patricia's case, she traveled with two interesting people on the way here and three different individuals on the way back. It seems to be very popular in Europe and a win-win for everyone involved.

Back to our visit with Patricia. Luckily, the weather was glorious. Once we dropped her bags off at the apartment, we took advantage of the beautiful day and enjoyed lunch at the Neptune restaurant on the beach.
Keith's Neptune salad.
Brian ordered the sardines - I tried one, but I can't say they are my favourite.
After lunch. we walked along the Promenade Anglais by the sea. Patricia loves the sea and was impressed by the beautiful coastline. We headed toward the old city so that she could wander through some of the streets and shops and pass by the Place Massena with its sculptures and fountains. After a coffee in a small café, we walked back along the Rue de France. It is a pedestrian street which is lined with bars, cafés, restaurants and shops. The street was filled with patrons. 

By the time we arrived home, it was "happy hour". Patricia had brought a couple of bottles of wine from the Languedoc-Rousillon region that were very good. For the entrée, we had salad with Roquefort cheese and for the plat, Keith made a delicious dinner of duck, roasted potatoes and green beans. Dessert was a small, but yummy raspberry tart that we shared.

Brian, Patricia and Keith around the dinner table in our apartment.
We spent the entire evening talking in French. Although exhausting, we had a most enjoyable time catching up, sharing stories and having several good chuckles. The next morning, après notre petit déjeuner, we took the bus and tram to the Libération market. After picking up a number of provisions, we decided to walk back to the Promenade Anglais, stopping long enough to take a few photos en route.
Our final stop was a late lunch at a Bistro along the Promenade. Once again, we profited from the sun, good food and wonderful company.

Mon chère amie Patricia!
A picture of us minutes before she left. 
Merci à toi pour un bon weekend. À bientôt mon amie!

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