Wednesday 5 November 2014

L'Anniversaire de mon professeur Michel

This week at school, we celebrated Michel's birthday. He is our wonderful prof who is kind, patient and droll. As a class, we decided to pool our resources and buy him a cake to honour the occasion. Although his actual birthday was on the week-end, we celebrated Monday morning. Presently, all the students in the class are female from countries around the world - Cuba, Spain, Russia, England, Japan, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Romania, Belgium and Canada. Here is a picture of our class.
We didn't have a card, but we wrote our best wishes on the board.
When he walked in after the morning break called Le Pause,  we began to sing Joyeux Anniversaire which is sung to the same tune as Happy Birthday.  I know that Michel likes opera and perhaps sings as well, but he didn't complain about our attempt to sing in chorus. He was really very touched by our efforts.

These are the two beautiful birthday cakes (les gateaux). The one on the right had a nectarine and nut crust with chocolate and cream mousse layers. The one on the left was made of chestnuts (marrons). Both were as rich and delicious as they look. 

A picture of the birthday prof Michel and his girls! Bon Anniversaire Michel!


  1. Nice post,Jan! We heard you singing from next door! Had we known there was cake...well, you would have had guests!!

  2. ...and no doubt you would have been more than welcome to join us!
