Sunday 3 November 2013


Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert is a magnificent medieval village located on the Chemin de St. Jacques (St. James' Way) pilgrim route to Santiago de Compostella. It is also on the list of Les Plus Beaux Villages de France (the most beautiful villages of France) so I'm hoping my pictures will do it justice. Patricia suggested we spend the day there and I couldn't have enjoyed myself more. It was indeed une bonne journée!

Before arriving at Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, you pass by the Pont du Diable (Devil's Bridge) overlooking the gorges of the Hérault river. In 1999, both the Pont du Diable and l'Abbaye de Gellone were designated UNESCO Worldwide Heritage sites.
Here I am standing on the Pont Diable which is the old bridge and you can see the new ones in the background.
Below is the gorges of the Hérault River.
There are quite a few waterfalls and rapids along the way and apparently, quite a few people kayak here.
Once we arrived at the village, we meandered up and down the tiny streets stopping to check out some of the interesting shops along the way. One of the most interesting to me was a tiny parfumerie called Sharini. The owner was a bloke from Stratford-on Avon in England who has lived in the village for the last 6 years. He makes natural perfumes from roses, lavender, geraniums, fruits etc. Patricia bought  a small bottle of Patchouli while we were tthere.
I asked him in French how long it took him to speak the language and he told me that he was still learning after 6 years. However, he studied in earnest for 2 years and in my opinion, he speaks very well. 

Here are a few pictures of l'Abbaye de Gellone from the back overlooking their garden of vegetables, vines with grapes and beautiful flowers and grasses. 

Roses in bud and bloom in the Abbaye garden on November 3.
We had made a picnic lunch so we sat on a bench on the terrasse soaking up the sun and people watching. The terrasse was built around a huge platane tree (below) that is about 155 years old and 6 metres in circumference. 
On the periphery, were shops and restaurants. We decided to join the crowd in the middle for a wee libation - coffee for Patricia and surprise, surprise - a glass of vin rouge for me. Très agréable.
After our lunch and drinks, we continued to walk up the narrow streets. The views were spectacular including ruins of an old chateau on the side of the mountain.

I find it hard to believe that flowers are still so beautiful at this time of year. My husband just sent me a picture of our garden in Edmonton covered with snow. Quelle différence!
A wee souvenir of our wonderful day! Note it's name: Pont Diable de Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert. À votre santé!

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