Wednesday 27 November 2013

Il neige à Montpellier

A quick entry to let you know it snowed briefly today. We were sitting in class when all of a sudden a student who comes from Columbia jumped up and pointed at the window. It was snowing and this was the first time he had ever seen it. In a flash, he was out of the room, down the stairs and out on the street. He was soon joined by his buddy, another fellow Columbian. A third person took their picture as the snow fell while the rest of us watched from the large window in our classroom above. Caroline, our prof, said she has lived in Montpellier for the last ten years and this is only the second time she has seen snow here. Fortunately, it was over almost as quickly as it started. 

If you look really hard, you might see a few white streaks in the picture. That was the extent of the snow.
Coming from Canada, I think snow is highly overrated. However, it was fun to watch the reaction and the excitement of my fellow classmate. I just hope it doesn't happen again!


  1. Too cool. Often times, we forget how beautiful and majestic winter can be. A wise man (I think you know him!) took me hiking when I was small and told me to appreciate the beauty that surrounds me, because most people in the world will never see these things. What a neat experience to get to watch someone see snow for the first time!!

  2. You are right Robin on both counts. I do know that wise man you are talking about and it is is so important to appreciate the beauty around us. This experience has taught me so many things!
