Friday 4 April 2014


After a lazy morning, we decided to go to the nearby village of Vinsobres for lunch. We hadn't been there before and it turns out that we liked it very much. The wisteria (purple vine) in the pictures below was just budding when we first arrived in this part of Provence. Now it is beginning to blossom into beautiful arbors.

The lovely countryside covered with vineyards and splashes of brilliant green.

Keith's dessert which of course we all tried - panacotta with fresh raspberries on top and a fruit salad of fresh pears, apples and strawberries on the side. It was accompanied by two dollops of chantilly. Delicious!
Following lunch and a walk about the village, we hopped back into the car and headed east to Ste-Cécile-les-Vignes. We have been there several times before, but there is a cave called Chantecôtes with wine we particularly like. Before leaving France, we wanted to buy a few bottles to bring back home for our wine club.

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