Friday 4 April 2014

Les Beaux Villages Part 2

We have admired this hedge for days and finally stopped to take a picture. It lines the driveway to one of the nearby caves that was on our route going south.  It is positively glorious with the new growth in red and the older leaves in green. Once again, we'll have to figure out what it is once we get home and can consult the experts.

The first village we visited today was Roussillon. It is known for its large ochre deposits that vary in colour from yellow to orange to red. At one time, the ochre industry was quite important, but as of the 1980's, tourism has taken its place. That was most evident to us. There were many more people here and the village was lined with art galleries, craft stores, souvenir shops and expensive restaurants. Some of the sights were impressive, particularly the rock faces and the brightly coloured ochre buildings. 

From Roussillon, we drove a short distance east to Gordes. We had heard from many people that this place was amazing, but quite frankly, we were underwhelmed. Perhaps it is because we have seen so many beautiful hilltop villages that were less "touristy". This picture was taken on the road leading to the village and there's no denying that is it a picturesque place from this vantage point. However, once you are in the village and walk around, there was less appeal, at least to us.
I did love this lane with a view of the countryside.
I have never seen a fence like this where the stones are stacked horizontally and then laid vertically.  
Our final visit of the day was Venasque. Here are a few photos of the old ramparts and some of the more interesting bits. 

Over dinner, we discussed our day and came to the conclusion that we all enjoyed visiting the less celebrated villages that have fewer tourists, even at this time of year. I don't think any of us would do well in the peak of the summer months.

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