Friday 4 April 2014

Un Dîner d'Anniversaire pour Greg

Greg, the birthday boy.
As I mentioned in a previous blog, we had booked a dinner to celebrate Greg's birthday at ProvenSol.  When we arrived, Dominique was busy working in the garden, but quickly ushered us into the wine cave. It was warm and beautifully decorated with ambient lighting and candles for the table.

She had used Limoge china and monogrammed linen serviettes for our table settings.
Dominique had prepared a special meal with wines to accompany each course. Initially, we were served olives, a specialty in this region, and a dish of anchovy butter that we ate with slices of crusty baguette. This was accompanied by a refreshing peach aperitif. Next course was Soupe au Pistou (in this case a fresh vegetable four bean soup) served in a beautiful tureen with a silver ladle. The soup was Keith's favourite. 
Her son, Emmanuel then arrived and opened a bottle of 2012 Cléduny - a wonderful, smooth red that paired beautifully with the main plat, sanglier (wild boar) in red wine, and a purée de pommes de terre et céleris. 
Our final wine of the evening was the Prelude No.7 served with a platter of cheese - brie, camembert and comte - all were good.
Last, but not least was a delicious birthday gâteau made with almonds, dates and chocolate complete with birthday candles.
Dominique, our fabulous hostess and chef from ProvenSol.
La fête anniversaire - Greg and Brian are on the right and Keith and I are on the left.
After the meal, we spent a few minutes signing the guest book.
Happy 48th Greg! I hope it is one you will remember. I know I will.

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