Tuesday 18 March 2014

La Couvertoirade

On the way back from Roquefort, Patricia made a short stop in a small medieval village dating back to the 12th century called La Couvertoirade. It is one of the villages on the list of "les Plus Beau Villages de France". Originally, it was owned by the Knights of Templar and was an agricultural centre for grain, breeding horses and raising sheep. Over the years, as with many other villages in the Larzac, the population has dwindled significantly and it is now inhabited predominately by artisans. From what I could gather, it is a very popular tourist destination beginning sometime in April or May when the weather is better. The day we visited, all the restaurants or cafés were closed and only a few of the artisan shops were open. Despite that and the inclement weather, I can certainly see the appeal, especially on a warm and sunny day. It would be a lovely spot to spend a couple of hours. Here are a few of my pictures of the village. 

La Tour
Hôtel de la Scipione
Les remparts 
Église Saint-Cristol

Moulin de Redounel
It is now Tuesday and I have only three days of school left. I can't believe how quickly the time has passed. My wonderful husband Keith and our dear friend Brian arrive on Friday after my morning class. They/we will spend the afternoon exploring some of the highlights in Montpellier followed by a good-bye dinner with Patricia in a lovely restaurant that night. Saturday morning, we leave for our vacation in Provence. Between now and then, I have much to do. It will be difficult to leave. I have made so many friends and acquaintances from around the world. It will be especially hard to say farewell to Patricia who has become such a close friend, but say farewell I must. 

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