Thursday 2 January 2014

Happy New Year 2014!

Presently, I am sitting in the Toronto airport awaiting my flight to Paris. True to form, all my flights with Air Canada have been delayed. It looks like I will be here quite awhile and will likely miss my connecting flight to Montpellier. That's unfortunate because it is Patricia's birthday and I was hoping to celebrate with her. On the bright side, it gives me an opportunity to write a blog entry. I had a wonderful couple of weeks at home in Edmonton visiting with family and friends. It was indeed a time to eat, drink and be merry. Here are a few pictures of the highlights:

Christmas Eve with dear friends
Our menu of Split Pea Soup - fabulous!
Deep dish Tourtière - superb!
Potatoes Galette - delicious!
These were only some of the dishes served and we left replete in every way. Thank you Greg and Brian for a lovely evening.

The next morning, Christmas Day, Keith made homemade cinnamon buns and we hosted brunch for the kids and his parents. It was a relaxing way to start the day and fun to spend time with family. 
Keith's cinnamon buns - outstanding!
Unfortunately, I forgot to take my camera to Christmas dinner at my sister and brother-in-law's. The evening was filled with laughter, love, stories, songs and jokes, and as usual, great food. The rest of the holidays were spent catching up with my husband, family and friends. I even managed to make a couple of "French" dates and chat en français for a bit.

Our street in Edmonton
Leaving January 2/14 for Montpellier - this is the same place I had my picture taken when I left the first time on September 6/13. That picture had a backdrop of green grass and blooming flowers. It's a little different this time round, n'est-ce pas?
Once I get settled back in Montpellier, (if I ever get out of Toronto, that is) I'll be in touch. In the meantime, I would like to wish you all a very healthy, happy and prosperous New Year! 

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