Sunday 5 January 2014

Montpellier - "my home away from home"

As anticipated, I missed my connection to Montpellier on the afternoon flight and arrived early in the evening. Although I was assured my luggage would be on the flight, it was not. Fortunately, it was delivered the next day and the gentleman even carried it up the first flight of stairs. Patricia, bless her heart, was waiting for me at the airport, even though she had a dinner date for her birthday. Needless to say, by the time she dropped me off at the house, she was quite late for her party. I didn't waste much time having a quick bite to eat, a shower and then I was off to bed. In retrospect, it was a very good idea to give myself a few days to get over jet lag before going back to school.

Keith tells me that eastern Canada and the United States are experiencing extremely cold weather and that I likely would have been stranded in Toronto if I hadn't left when I did. We have a harsh climate in Canada, that's for sure. Paris was pretty cold too. However, when I arrived here, it was plus 13 and raining softly. Today it is beautiful. The sun is shining and I think I'll go out for a walk this afternoon. I have to admit that I love the climate and the humidity. 

A couple of comments about my French. At this point, I realize that I likely won't speak fluently by the end of March when I finish school. I reckon I will do my best to learn the language and enjoy the experience of living here. Since coming to terms with that fact (and I might be dreaming), I think I am having an easier time talking with Patricia. A few minutes ago, I ran over to the local Tabac to recharge my tram card and phone. The man at the counter understood my request and I understood his questions. That's an improvement from the last time I tried it when I really struggled to make myself understood. Small successes, but successes nonetheless. I have also decided to spend less time studying in my room and more time watching TV, listening to the radio and mingling with French speaking people. Here's hoping these changes will pay off in the end. In the interim, I am enjoying a more relaxed attitude and "my home away from home".

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