Sunday 22 December 2013

Home for the holidays.... week 1

Getting home took a lot longer than I anticipated due to a storm in Toronto. After about 28 hrs. in either the air or airports, I finally arrived in Edmonton to a smiling husband carrying a beautiful bouquet of flowers. It is another half hour by car to our home and I was surprised and delighted when we got there to see a decorated Christmas tree in our bay window. Apparently a group of friends and family got together one evening and in no time had the house looking festive. Keith prepared the food and kept people's wine glasses filled. Thanks so much to Robin, Joanne, Greg, Brian and of course, Keith. You are the best and the house looks wonderful!

Our Christmas Tree
Since being home, my days and evenings have been filled with appointments and get togethers with friends near and dear. Recently, we visited a new wine bar that was most impressive. It was built to resemble the inside of a wine barrel with curved wooden slats for the ceiling. The night we were there, Santa greeted us as we walked in. Wine and food is ordered from an extensive selection on an iPad and the service was excellent. The charcuterie was also most impressive. The presentation was lovely and the meats and cheeses were superb (it really rivalled some of the dishes I've had in France).

Keith and I at the wine bar with the charcuterie platter.
On Friday, we hosted a dinner party for eight with our wine club group. It was a lovely evening of great food, wine and delightful company. Keith made coq au vin, roasted vegetables, sweet potato buns, homemade coconut ice cream and biscotti. We began the night with a Christmas cocktail and then continued with Prosecco and an assortment of wines. The last course was a platter of cheeses and fresh walnuts I brought with me from France accompanied by a glass of port. 

Our wine club group (L to R) Brian, Jen, Keith, Greg, Cathy, Eleise and Chris
It feels so good to be home and surrounded by people I love and care for. However, as the song goes "the weather outside is frightful". There is lots of snow and it is very cold, but the upside is that the sky is blue and the sun is shining. Winter in Canada is not for "sissies". Keith tells me I have softened since I have lived in a Mediterranean, moderate and humid climate for the last few months. I look forward to going back and avoiding the cold winter months here.

I realize it is very important to try and maintain some of the French I have learned these past few months. To that end, I have contacted a former colleague and I will be meeting her for lunch at a local French bistro today to chat en français and explore volunteer opportunities to continue my French language learning in the future. The radio in my car is on the French station and I hope to watch a little French TV. Regardless, most of my communication here is in English, so I will have to work hard to catch up when I get back.

Next post will cover my last week of holidays in Edmonton including Christmas, New Year's and my flights back to France. Travelling by plane in Canada during the winter is always a challenge because of the weather. I hope that the ice storms in Ontario and other such untoward weather phenomena are over by the time I leave. Merry Christmas everyone!

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