Friday 25 October 2013

Saint Denis

Today, I finished my sixth week at ILA. On Monday, I will have a new professeur and many new classmates. Several people I became friends with this week are leaving -  Sabine, the doctor from Germany, Caroline, the lovely girl from Sweden who is going to Paris to see if she can find employment and my fellow Canadian Jane who is taking a European holiday before returning to Canada. I will miss them all, but hopefully there will be other opportunities to see them in the future. Our prof Clara has also finished her temporary contract and will be leaving for an indeterminate period of time. She was very good! Who knows what Monday will bring.

After class today, I decided to wander in a district just beyond the school. I pass by Saint Denis every day on the tram. There is this wonderful looking boulangerie that I have admired from the window in passing. Today, I went there to buy lunch. I resisted the scrumptious looking pastries, but of course I had to take a few pictures.
The French really do know how to make bread. One of my goals while I'm here, is to learn how to make a good baguette. I'm not sure whether that is possible, because everyone buys their bread from the numerous boulangeries. 
After my bite to eat, I wandered a bit further. It was a little windy today and overcast, but still warm enough. I was just wearing a long sleeved sweatshirt. I noticed that some of the terasses were covered with tents with clear plastic sides to protect the patrons from the elements. My guess is, people here are able eat outside all year.
Around the corner, there was an interesting church and a building beside it with colorful religious murals.
I also stopped at a grocery store to buy a few provisions for breakfast. This week-end, I hope to make pancakes for Patricia. I brought her maple syrup from Canada, so I'd like her to try it. French products, including things like flour and baking powder are quite different than what I know and so are their measurements. I have no idea how they will turn out, but I'm willing to give it a go.

Tonight, Patricia, a couple of friends and I are going to a restaurant for dinner. Her son Pierre, who plays flamenco guitar, and his group are the musical entertainment. 

Hope you have a good week-end too!

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