Monday 28 October 2013

La Grande Motte revisited

Yesterday was an absolutely glorious day! The sun was shining and it was definitely T-shirt weather. I was going to knuckle under and study, but then Patricia invited me to join her and her cousin Carol for a walk along the boardwalk at La Grande Motte. It was an offer I couldn't refuse. La Grande Motte is so pretty, the weather was perfect and the company superb. It was probably the best way for me to study anyway. Comprehension and pronunciation are two areas that I really need to work on and an outing with the two of them was a great way to practice both. Patricia and Carol are very patient and often stop to ask if I understand what they are saying. If I say no or un peu (a little) which happens often, they will slow down, repeat a sentence or try to explain the concept in another way. I also had the chance to talk en français, albeit badly.

We had a wonderful afternoon sauntering along the boardwalk, checking out the boats, sitting by the sea and watching the waves. Believe it or not, there were some kids swimming and playing in the water and it is the end of October - they are definitely braver souls than me. To top it off, we stopped for a coffee and bite to eat at an outdoor café. Here are a few pictures:

Patricia is on the left and Carol is on the right. You can see some of the kids in the water in the background.

My two companions - Carol (L) and Patricia (R)
Guess who?

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