Tuesday 8 October 2013

Les salades françaises

Since I arrived, I have enjoyed salads every day and sometimes twice a day. Patricia makes exceptional salads and I am always surprised by the combinations. The main ingredient is lettuce, but she uses a variety of greens. To that, she adds vegetables like cucumber, tomatoes, onions, beets and carrots. We might have sunflower seeds, walnuts or pine nuts. Sometimes there are eggs or chicken or smoked salmon or proscuitto. We've had chick peas, tuna and ham too. Often, there will be cheese like roquefort, chèvre or emmental. In my books, all types of French cheese are outstanding. Occasionally, I'll find fruit like pears,apples,raisins or even a soupçon of fig confiture. The combinations are endless. Her secret ingredient, although I know what it is called, is Gerblé, Levure Diététique. From what I can gather, it is a powdered malt rich in vitamins, minerals and protein that she adds just before the dressing, which she calls "sauce". All the ingredients are then gently mixed with her homemade "sauce" of balsamic vinegar, olive oil, mustard and honey. Of course, every salad is accompanied by a delicious baguette. Bon appétit!

Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of one of Patricia's salads, but as I said, I may have more than one in a day. This is a picture of the salad I had at a local restaurant for lunch the other day. Needless to say, I enjoyed a glass of French red with it. Délicieuse!

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