Saturday 22 February 2014

Une journée agréable

Unfortunately, I took a tumble last night. I got out of bed to turn off the radiator, but neglected to turn on the light. I think I caught my foot in the strap of my knapsack and crashed to the floor. I'm quite alright except for a pulled muscle in my back which is giving me grief. I'm finding it difficult to move about so my planned trip to Aigues-Mortes today has been postponed until next week. By then I hope to be up and running again. What a shame because it is a glorious day today with sunny skies and mild temperatures. 

Up until my fall, I had had a great day. My friend Maria, invited me to join her for a reading at one of the local bookshops. For 3 days, L'association Coeur de Livres is hosting Escapades en librairies. Les librairies are independent bookstores and different events are being held at various stores across the city centre. I think the intent is to educate, inform and invite the public to see what these bookshops have to offer. The event Maria and I attended was held outdoors in front of Librairie Souffle D'Esprit. The comedien Tom Torel read passages from La Sagesse d'un pauvre d'Eloi Leclerc which paid hommage to Saint-Francois d'Assises. He was supported by a sound man who also provided musical interludes. As usual, I had difficulty following although he spoke clearly and not too quickly. I was distracted by people walking by, noise from motos and the weather was less than stellar - I was cold because it was cloudy and the wind was blowing. However, Maria understood the gist of the reading and explained it to me afterwards. Once again, I was surprised by the number of people who were in the audience on a Friday afternoon and were willing to stay and listen despite the cool weather.

Tom Torel reading from La Sagesse d'un pauvre d'Eloi Leclerc
During my morning tram rides, I pick up the local daily papers and read some of the articles of interest. One caught my eye and it was about a retrospective "It's Not Only Rock and Roll" with photos by Linda McCartney. After the bookshop reading, Maria and I headed over to Le Pavillon Populaire to take in the exposition. 

Maria in front of La Pavillon Populaire
The exposition was very well done with pictures of famous rock stars from the 60's such as Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, BB King, Jimmy Hendrix and of course the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Grateful Dead etc. There were also many family photos of Paul, Linda, their children and their animals. The retrospective included an interesting video of her history as a photographer and her marriage to Paul. Some of the photos were familiar as I had been to an exposition of hers a few years back when I was visiting in Winnipeg. However, I really enjoyed this exposition too.
According to the article in the local paper, Paul McCartney and his daughter Mary made a surprise visit to Montpellier on opening night. Sure enough, I found their autographs in the guest book that we also signed and took a picture. I just wish I had been there.
Afterwards, we wandered over to the Shakespeare pub where we had agreed to meet some of the other students for a beer. That was followed by dinner at La Poule au Pot which is a beautiful wine bar/restaurant steps away from Place Jean-Juarès. It had lovely arched ceilings from the 12th century and a great wine cellar. We all ordered different meals and everyone agreed the food was excellent. I think it was one of the best meals I've had here and will definitely return. Service and prices were also good. 

James (England), Ella (Germany), Maria (Finland) and Lexa (United States)
My dinner - le loup. Cooked perfectly and it was delicious!
Last stop of the evening was the Fitzpatrick's pub that was televising the rugby match between Wales and France. The place was absolutely packed. James
 thought we should hear the French sing the national anthem La Marseillaise. People in the pub eagerly joined in chorus with the crowd on the TV. I wasn't particularly interested in staying for the game, so after the anthem, I bowed out and took the tram home. The rest remained and Maria sent me an email saying that Wales beat France 26-6. Apparently James was pretty happy with the result, but I doubt there were many others in the pub that shared his sentiments. 

Until next time....

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