Wednesday 26 February 2014

Riding the tram in Montpellier

As you know, I take the tram almost everyday. It is a very convenient way for me to get around this city. It also provides me with some interesting observations that are at times amusing and at others, quite annoying. My first comment belongs to the latter. Recently a girl entered the tram smoking a cigarette and proceeded to finish it directly in front of me. My initial thought was that she was smoking when the tram arrived and just forgot to put out her cigarette before she got on. However, when we arrived at the next station and the doors opened, she didn't throw it out as I had anticipated. She just kept on smoking until the cigarette was finished. By the way, smoking is strictly prohibited on public transportation, but obviously not in this case. Several times, people have entered the tram with beer in hand. One older, grizzled man was a little more discreet and carried his wine in a plastic water bottle covered by a grocery bag. Every once in while, he would take it out, have a swig and then tuck it away again. In case you are wondering, drinking alcohol on public transport is also forbidden. Occasionally I wonder if some of the conductors are frustrated Formula 1 driver "wannabes". I've almost experienced whiplash taking some of the corners or coming to a halt at the tram stops. And everything comes onto the tram - bicycles, skateboards, animals, laundry, suitcases, screaming babies and children in prams. When I think about it, my experiences here are not all that different than when I have used public transportation at home in Edmonton or in other places we have travelled to. Despite it all, the tramway in Montpellier is a pretty efficient mode of transport and I am forever grateful that it exists. 

My tram -  Ligne Numéro 3

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