Wednesday 1 April 2015

Final Post for now

On my last day in Nice, I visited some of the neighbourhood shops to pick up a few items such as Roquefort cheese and wine to bring back to Canada. I passed by the local cathedral on my return trip and noticed there were a couple of stalls out front with displays of the most beautiful creations for Palm Sunday. I couldn't resist taking a few photos. When I was a child, we used to get a simple cross made from a palm leaf; nothing as elaborate as these. 

My last evening in Nice was pretty quiet. I had to get up at 4 a.m. to catch a bus to the airport. To add insult to injury, the clocks changed that night, so I lost an additional hour. Instead of going out for dinner, I bought a piece of quiche from the nearby bakery and ordered some wine at the hotel. Here is my final meal (without the quiche).
Once again, it has been an amazing experience. I realized that I have spent 10 out of the last 18 months living in the south of France. I have met some extraordinary people and have had the privilege of travelling extensively in this part of France. Although I am not yet fluent in the language, I have made significant gains and I intend to practice in Edmonton. There is no doubt in my mind that I will return to France to continue my language studies. The question is when. We have a few trips planned for this year and early next so I will have to see. Until then, thanks for following my blog.

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