Sunday 26 October 2014

Exploring Vieux Nice

Yesterday, we began the day at a small, local market "Marche de la Buffa". It is literally seconds away from the apartment. Although small, the produce was very good and we were able to stock our fridges with fruit, vegetables and cheese. One vendor, who was quite a character, cornered us for a lengthy conversation en francais. We were relieved when another customer appeared and he bid us "au revoir". 

After dropping off our purchases, we walked to the old city, Vieux Nice.  En route we stopped at Orange so that I could get a new number for my French telephone. Apparently, if you don't use your phone for 6 mos "le numero est perdu". 

Our destination was the bustling Soleya market filled with vendors selling everything from flowers to spices and all things inbetween. We bought a few items like dried saucisse. 

Our hosts had recommended an excellent French restaurant in the old city called Le Bistrot d'Antoine. It is very popular and normally you need to make reservations in advance. We talked to the hostess before we headed to the market and booked a table for 1 p.m. When we returned, the place was just packed. The meal did not disappoint. We began with an appetizer that we shared - Terrine au Lapin. The caramelized onions and toast points just made the terrine that much better. It really was delicious.
All of us ordered different main dishes, but each of them was superb. Here is a picture of my magret de canard.
For dessert, Keith ordered the Panna Cotta with 3 spoons and all of this was accompanied by a wonderful bottle of white. What an excellent meal! No doubt we'll revisit this establishment.
After lunch we went up to the Parc de la Colline du Chateau which overlooks the Port de Nice and provides panoramic views of the city. There are very few remains of the old chateau, but the views from the top were spectacular, especially on such a lovely day.

Late afternoon, we made our way back to the apartment. We sat on the terrace and enjoyed a beverage before preparing our dinner. I still look jet lagged and so did the others. Another early night is in store for us.

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